Saturday, May 18, 2013

Anyone out there?

Hello? Tap, tap. Is this thing on? Anyone out there? So a duck walks into a bar... No that's not right. Wait...Hang on. I'm a little rusty. So, I'm back. Sort of. I am having trouble making time for this blog in my brain and in my life. Mothers are constantly interrupted. I have so far been asked five separate I try to type this on my iPad. The two difficulties combined sap the creative thoughts out of my brain. My daughter is downloading software, my husband is designing dog agility jumps for her and the other daughter won't get dressed even though I am trying to get her in the car. You actually have no idea how much is swirling about me. I feel like Dorothy in the tornado. I even have a dog whining at my feet. Calgon, take me away! Either I need to find a better time, or ditch the pad. This is ridiculous. More later. News at 11.

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Sea Glass Memories

For the tide of man is but one wave that washes upon these shores, for his deeds, and fears, and battles will wash away. Ground and polish...