Sunday, August 17, 2014

Once more...with feeling

It seems that the older you get the more quickly time decides to speed by. My father used to try and tell me that, but like so many (read ALL) young people I never really understood what he was saying. Now I do. You go to bed on Friday and when you wake up it is Monday. Then Tuesday rolls around and suddenly it is Friday again! Young whippersnappers drive too fast in their trucks, expect snap decisions, and overall move out of phase with us older folks. Time is a paradox. Sometimes it moves too fast and other times, well always moves too fast. My toddlers are now 12 and 14. My bones are suddenly non-compliant with my mind, and my brain... Well let's just say the light are on, but the tenant has gone to the store and left the lights on.

This blog is a prime example. I blinked and a year went by.  Many pithy moments and engaging moments lost to time. Ah, well. Never too late to start up again.

So off I go to wake up a teenager to buy school clothes.  Always a dicey proposition, waking her up. Never know if I am to get a good morning hug or step on a Bouncing Betty. (Look it up.)

Time marches on. Make the most of it. It'll be gone before you know it.

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