Thursday, November 25, 2010

The juices are flowing...

Well, the turkey is done two hours early and we don't know what to do. We haven't put the side dishes in the oven yet, the table is still covered in God-Knows-What projects and alluvial deposits, and the kids refuse to go outside even though it is finally snowing!

My husband-the-chef is muttering something about "Goddamn brine", whatever THAT means and berating himself for his imprecise calculations on brine versus shorter cooking times.

This is why I will go to great lengths and multiple pizzas to stay out of the kitchen. I leave it to my loving husband to conduct kitchen chemistry (ooh, you like that alliteration?) and keep us all fed and healthy.

I offered to help with Thanksgiving dinner and he smirked, saying "I bet you don't even know where the cranberry sauce is." I fired back an irritated, smug retort and found out that, no, the canned cranberry sauce is NOT in the back pantry. In fact, he wouldn't tell me where it was. I am not sure why. Something about the kitchen, home accidents, and the children are too young to go without a mother. It was a confusing conversation.

So, here I sit, at the computer. While the muttering in the kitchen continues. There seems to be a whirl of activity as the troops of sweet potatoes, stuffing, rolls, and other side dishes are regrouped and the battle plan modified.

They say no plan survives after five minutes of contact with the enemy. Enemy thy name is turkey! But we shall prevail. I say skip the meat and head right for desert. The turkey is better on the second day anyway. Vive la pumpkin pie!

Have a great day and thanks for stopping by. Both of you.
OK. So I am bad. Very, very bad. I haven't called. I don't write. I'm bad. I do think of you often, if that helps. But I am still bad.

But here is something good. I don't want you to leave my blog and never come back, but this gal's work is just TOO GOOD NOT TO SHARE!!! I really like her site ALOT. Go to her site to get THAT joke.

Sea Glass Memories

For the tide of man is but one wave that washes upon these shores, for his deeds, and fears, and battles will wash away. Ground and polish...