Tuesday, July 21, 2009

I am at the age where I read a popular magazine, see the face of some new twenty-something starlet and her latest highjinks and say, "Who's that?" Then realize, "Who cares?"

Newest T-Shirt Idea (borrowed from somewhere):

I live in my own little world. But, it's ok. They know me here.

Monday, July 6, 2009

So, I was on my way to work this morning, contemplating the voices in my head that tell me my problems are much more serious than they really are, when it occurred to me that might not be the case.

I struggle mightily with the constant vile critic in my brain that constantly picks on me and tells me the smallest mistake is the highest criminal offense.

Sometimes, I can put the creature in a box and dress it up in a big pink clown wig, green shoes,and a spongy red nose. This is viewed as a humiliation by the critic and it rolls up into a corner and mutters about fashion choices and how the shoes clash with the hair.

Ah well, if I didn't have these little companions in my brain, life would be so boring.

Moving on,

It was a glorious 4th for my family. What started out as a somewhat dismal and stifled attempt at having a good time evolved into the most exhilirating family water fight I can recall.

I don't quite have the words to describe the calculating brain my husband has when it comes to strategy and tactics. He is the expert chess player who knows his victims too well. He nonchalantly played my proclivities for sneak attack and my daughter's inherent desire for subterfuge into the most devasting miscalculation I have ever made.

What started as an innocent plot between my daughter and myself to split up and outflank my husband and soak him with the hose somehow turned into him holding the hose, my daughter turning it back on screaming, "Now Mommy! Now!" and me taking a hit full in the face, instead of the other way around.

How does he do that.

After that all bets were off; the swim suits came on, and I am sure the neighbors thought an ax murderer was wreaking havoc in our yard....for two hours.

I did achieve a small amount of revenge against my husband, although at a price. Also, a word to the wise: when a nine-year-old claims to be an ally and declares a truce, she is lying through her teeth.

Just sayin'......

Sea Glass Memories

For the tide of man is but one wave that washes upon these shores, for his deeds, and fears, and battles will wash away. Ground and polish...